
Alxa Desert UNESCO Global Geopark Attending the Opening Ceremony of Arxan UNESCO Global Geopark

2019-05-23 0

From May 19 to 21, 2019, Director Wu of Administration for Alxa Desert UNESCO Global Geopark and Director Sun of Alxa Desert UNESCO Global Geopark (Alxa Zuoqi Branch) attended the opening ceremony of Arxan UNESCO Global Geopark.  The management team representatives from National Forestry and Grassland Administration,  Department of Natural Resource of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Forestry and Grassland Administration of Inner Mongolia attended the ceremony,  the representatives and geologists from 13 global geoparks and national geoparks participated in the event to celebrate Arxan UGGp officially titled as the 34th UNESCO Global Geopark in China.

Meanwhile, a seminar and a field trip were carried out, subject on Chinese UGGp construction and development.  The participants discussed and exchanged experiences on each UGGp construction, such as the construction of signs system, the basic infrastructure etc.  At last, Alxa DUGGp representative exchanged souvenirs with Arxan UGGp .

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